megan and liz

HAIR. hair. h a i r.
HAIR hair h a i r. Alright, this is a super common question for me, so I figured I’d lay it all out in a blog for you guys! This is everything I use on my hair from products to tools. LET’S GO. Shampoo/Conditioner So, if you’ve followed us for a while, you’ll know that more »

Chapter ?
We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 20.” It’s an amazing mantra to keep in the back of your head, unfortunately it’s not the easiest. Jealousy is one of the worst things to feel for me personally, because I feel like I have zero control in making that more »

First month of being engaged…
This month has been one of the most magical months of my life. It’s been just a dreamy celebration of nothing but love. Love from my fiancé (what?!) my future family, from Megan, from all of my wonderful friends. I honestly just feel SO grateful for this time in my life. A lot of my more »

Sounds Like Nashville: Liz Mace of Megan & Liz Gets Engaged
Thank you Sounds Like Nashville for the sweet article about Liz & Weston’s engagement! Read the full article here : http://www.soundslikenashville.com/news/liz-mace-megan-liz-engaged/