HI SHORT-HAIRED BBYs. 🙂 This has been my new go-to way to straighten my shorter hair. It’s so quick and easy once you get the hang of it! I’m using a 1 1/2 inch Hot Tools straightener, but the motion will stay the same no matter what size you use. The smaller the straightener, the more »
Our Hair Evolution (+ Sleek Fall Hair Tutorial!)
Hi GUYS!! So we decided to do something fun and do a little hair tutorial / hair evolution post because our hair has been through a lot the past few years! Megan wasn’t always blonde, and Liz used to be pink! Plus, we are so excited to share this new hair product we found with more »
4 Easy “Day-After” Curly Hair Hairstyles!
HELLO LOVELIES. ? As I sat styling my hair this morning, I realized I should write a blog post about it because, well, why not. ? I’m very very very very very lazy when it comes to my hair. If I don’t have to do it, I won’t. If I don’t have to brush it, more »
Blonde Hair Care Video!
Okay, so maintaining your bright-blonde color is a challenge, BUT I think I’ve mastered it. Here’s my advice. 🙂 xo Liz
How To Get Liz’s “Simple Life” Hair!
If you want a long, wavy, braided thang going on, watch this video. 😉 xo M&L